Payment of bespoke trip to Spain. 8th – 24th of October 2021. 2pax

Description and schedule of services

8th of October, Friday: Arrival to Barcelona, transfer to your hotel and day at leisure to recover from your trip

4:25pm: upon arrival of your flight to Barcelona airport, collect your luggage, head to the arrivals hall and meet your personal driver there. Your driver will be holding a sign saying “Jonathan and Grace – Genuine Andalusia”. Then be escorted to an ATM and later transferred in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle to your accommodation in Barcelona.

5:15pm: upon arrival to your accommodation in Barcelona, check-in and spend the rest of the day at leisure following our recommendations and / or having dinner at one of the (2 or 3) Michelin star restaurants of the city. Recommendations for dinner will also be given and a table will be booked for you if you wish.

Overnight in Barcelona. Junior site Marina with breakfast included in hotel Serras (5*)

9th of October, Saturday: Barcelona’s oldest sections and introduction to its modernist architecture through a visit to Palau de la Música, Casa Batlló and Casa Milá (La Pedrera).

9:30am: be met by your personal local host at your accommodation to start a private walking tour of the area aimed at learning about its origins, evolution and greatest architecture gems.
Your discovery journey will start with an introductory walking tour of the gothic quarter. There you will learn about the Roman origins of Barcelona and about its expansion until the medieval times. Your walk will take you through a maze of narrow streets that open onto charming squares with impressive temples and noble houses. During your walk, your guide will allow you to understand the first stages of the growth of the city from a Roman town to a thriving medieval metropolis.

Then you will venture into the quarter of el Raval, which originated from the rural areas outside the old city walls, when the city started to experience a considerable growth during the industrial revolution. After that your tour will take you to the quarter of el Born, which is the medieval extension of the gothic quarter and where you will visit the unique Palau de la Música.

A UNESCO site since 1997, this will be the first example of great Catalan Modernist architecture you will visit in Barcelona. Built between 1905 and 1908, this building will allow you to understand the rise of the local bourgeoisie in the beginning of the 20th century and its desire to equip itself with a new identity, through an urban expansion with its own striking architecture style. Your tour will take you to see both the outside and the inside of the building, where the colorful floral decorations generate an explosion of optimism, joy and vitality, like the ones the local bourgeoisie experienced then.

1:30pm: after your introductory tour of the city, enjoy a tapas lunch in Barcelona old town with your personal local host in order to gain a deeper understanding of the local character of the city and also of its tapas scene. (Cost of lunch included).

3pm: after your tapas lunch, walk or take a taxi with your personal local host to Casa Batlló. This will not only make an excellent continuation to your introduction to modernist architecture but also a great start of your discovery of the brilliant works of Antoní Guadí.

A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005, Casa Batlló was a building-renovation project where Antoni Gaudí employed all his creative and technical genius. This is especially present on the main façade, where he wanted to keep the original structure creating at the same time something totally new and unique using materials such as stone, glass, ceramic and iron. Your tour will uncover all the complexity and symbolism of the façade to later take you to the interiors of the house in order to understand the rest of the renovations that the architect decided to make into the building: from the vast enlargement of the central courtyard to the creation of cave-like domestic spaces filled with modernist decorative arts and from the construction of a new attic to the creation of a spectacular roof-top terrace with a universe of organic shapes, silhouettes and original textures, which transcend architecture to become sculptures of great artistic value.

4:15pm: after your tour of Casa Batlló, continue your modernist tour on foot to the next masterpiece of Gaudí: Casa Milá, also known as La Pedrera.

4:30pm: arrival to La Pedrera and private tour of the site. La Pedrera is probably the most iconic private residence that Antoni Gaudí designed in Barcelona. The promoter of this project was a successful local businessman who wanted Gaudí to employ all his creative genius in the construction of a luxurious building of apartments. La Pedrera allowed Gaudí to give complete freedom to his imagination, which resulted in the inclusion of revolutionary aesthetic and technical resources with techniques inspired by the natural world. Your tour will allow you to connect with Gaudi’s imagination and creativity through a series of explanations of the particular symbolism of the building exteriors and interiors.

5:45pm: after your tour of la Pedrera, you may want to be escorted by taxi back to your hotel in Barcelona or to stay in the quarter of the Eixample at leisure. Recommendations for dinner will also be given and a table will be booked for you if you wish.

Overnight in Barcelona. Junior site Marina with breakfast included in hotel Serras (5*)

10th of October, Sunday: The masterpieces of Antoni Gaudí: parc Güell and Sagrada Familia.

9am: meet your personal local host at your accommodation and be transferred by taxi to Parc Güell.

9:25am: upon arrival, you will be taken on a private walking tour of the park aimed at understanding the extent to which Gaudi was able to expand his creativity and versatility. Promoted by the local businessman Eusebi Güell, the park was originally devised as an exclusive garden for the well-to-do local families who wanted to get away from the busy city life and be closer to nature. Güell gave Gaudí free rein to design the site, in such a way that the architect was able to experiment with new construction techniques and incorporate references to Classical mythology, the history of Catalonia and the Christian religion and this is what your tour will uncover for you.

11am: after your tour of Parc Güell, be transferred by taxi to the church of La Sagrada Familia.

11:15am: arrival to la Sagrada Familia and private tour of the site. After your first discoveries of Catalan Modernist architecture and works of Gaudí, you will have the right context to enjoy the magnificence of this temple and to understand the visionary that Gaudí was, by taking a private tour of both the inside and the outside of the building with your personal local host. The church of la Sagrada familia is the most ambitious and complex project of Gaudí as it incorporates all the structural innovations he had developed during his career. Also, the temple contains a fascinating symbolism revealing the indepth knowledge of Christian liturgy that Gaudí acquired after several decades of intense study.

12:45am: after your visit to la Sagrada familia, you may want to be escorted by taxi back to your hotel in Barcelona or to a local restaurant suited to your taste (this can be booked in advance if you wish). Recommendations for dinner will also be given and a table will be booked for you if you wish.

Overnight in Barcelona. Junior site Marina with breakfast included in hotel Serras (5*)

11th of October, Monday: Day trip from Barcelona to the Dalí Museum in Figueres, Besalú and Girona.

9:30am: meet your personal local host by the reception desk of your hotel and be transferred by taxi to Barcelona train station.

9:45am: arrival to Barcelona train station on time to catch your high-speed train to Figueres.

10:05am: departure of your train from Barcelona to Figueres (normal seats as there are no 1st class seats on this train).

11am: upon arrival to Figueres train station, take a taxi with your personal local host to the Dalí museum.

11:10am: once at the Dalí museum, take a private tour with your guide aimed at learning about the life and work of the artist and about the museum itself, which is one of the most eclectic ones in the world.

12:40pm: after your tour of the museum, be picked up by a private driver and be transferred in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle to the medieval town of Besalú.

1:05pm: upon arrival to Besalú, take a private walking tour of its picturesque medieval quarters, while you learn about the history of its former Hispanic-Jewish community and about how it coexisted with the Christian majority. Besalu also features an impressive bridge from the 11th century that you may want to cross to capture the lovely views of the town from across the river.

2:15pm: after your introductory tour of Besalú, enjoy a well deserved lunch in a local restaurant with your local host. This will make an excellent opportunity to learn about life in Catalonia beyond Barcelona and about how different the rural areas can be from the urban ones.

3:45pm: after lunch, be transferred by your private driver in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle to the city of Girona.

4:20pm: upon arrival to Girona, say goodbye to your driver of today and enjoy a private walking tour of the old town including the Jewish Quarter, its Gothic Cathedral and the picturesque bridges over the Onyar river, which separates the old sections of the city from the new ones.

5:50pm: take a taxi from Girona old town to the train station.

6pm: arrival to Girona train station on time to take the 6:11pm train back to Barcelona.

6:11pm: departure of your train (1st class seats).

6:50pm: arrival of your train to Barcelona train station and be escorted by taxi back to your accommodation.

7:15pm: end of your tour back at your hotel. Recommendations for dinner will be given and a table will be booked for you if you wish.

Overnight in Barcelona. Junior site Marina with breakfast included in hotel Serras (5*)

12th of October, Tuesday: From Barcelona to Madrid and introductory history, architecture and art tour of Madrid including the Prado Museum.

8:15am: be transferred in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle by your personal driver from your hotel in Barcelona to Barcelona train station.

8:35am: arrival to Barcelona train station.

9am: departure of your high-speed train from Barcelona to Madrid (1st class seats).

11:45am: upon arrival of your train to Madrid train station, be transferred by you personal driver in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle to your hotel in Madrid.

12:05pm: arrival to your hotel in Madrid and free time to check-in, freshen up and have lunch before your introductory tour of Madrid. Recommendations for lunch will be given and a table will be booked for you if you wish.

2:30pm: meet your personal guide at your hotel (or at your restaurant of choice) to go on an introductory tour of Madrid old town aimed at setting the context for your stay in the city. Your tour will take you through the oldest quarters of the city in order for you to understand where Madrid has its roots and from where it has evolved until becoming the vibrant and cosmopolitan city it is today.
A highlight of your walk will be the iconic Plaza Mayor where you will be explained about the important historical events that have happened there over the past 400 years and their importance in the history of Madrid and of Spain.

Your introductory tour of Madrid will finish at its most iconic museum: The Prado. There your guide will take you on a private tour that will allow you to travel through Spanish history of art while you enjoy the remarkable works of Spanish master painters such as Velazquez, Goya and El Greco amongst others. This will allow you to understand how different historical periods shaped the artistic creation at each time and how much of Spain’s culture and sentiment is expressed in the works of its main artists.

6:45pm: after your introductory tour of Madrid, you may want to be escorted by taxi back to your hotel with your personal local host or enjoy the rest the evening in the city following our recommendations. Recommendations for dinner will also be given and a table will be booked for you if you wish.

Overnight in Madrid. Supreme room with breakfast included in Hotel Melia Palacio de los Duques (5*)

13th of October, Wednesday: Madrid artisans and tapas tour in the morning and Royal Palace and Contemporary Art in the afternoon.

10:30am: meet your personal local host at your hotel to go on a private walking tour aimed at meeting selected artisans of Madrid in their workshops privately.

Your tour will take you to visit a workshop of Spanish guitars where the fourth generation of the same family of guitar makers have been working since 1887. You will also visit the workshop of a tailor who makes the famous Spanish capes with traditional methods of cutting and sewing. The Spanish cape is unlike any other cape and you will learn how the classic models are made and how some contemporary ones are also crafted for bespoke orders. To complete your artisans tour you will visit a selected leather workshop where you will meet a self-taught leather artisan who learnt the art of leather craftmanship dismantling and reassembling bags to understand patterns. Now the items that are designed and crafted in this workshop form part of a millenary tradition and are true works of art.

1pm: after your introduction to the artisanal workshops of Madrid, be taken by your personal local host for a tapas lunch in order to recover some energies for your afternoon tour and also to experience the difference between tapas in Barcelona and in Madrid. (Cost of lunch included).

2pm: after lunch, you will be taken on a private walking tour of the Royal Palace of Madrid and of the second most important art temple in the city: the Reina Sofía Contemporary Art Centre. After your introduction to the history and art scene of Madrid the day before, this will make a great continuation of your discovery of the city.

The Royal Palace is the official residence of the Spanish monarchy and it portrays the splendour of Spanish royal power through its architectural design and lavish interiors. Your tour will be a journey through the history of Spain while you enjoy a selection of royal rooms, works of art and banqueting halls.

In the Reina Sofía Museum of Contemporary Art you will enjoy selected works by modern Spanish artists such as Picasso, Dalí and Joan Miró (amongst other). The highlight of your visit will be “El Guernica”, a large-scale painting by Picasso conceived as a giant poster to be a testimony of the horror that the Spanish Civil War was causing and a forewarning of what was to come in the Second World War.

5:30pm: after this introduction to the history and architecture of the city, be escorted back to your hotel by taxi for your Wednesday meeting. Afterwards enjoy dinner at leisure in one of the restaurants of the city suited to your taste. Recommendations will be given and a table will be booked for you if you like.

5:45pm: arrival to your hotel and end of services for the day.

Overnight in Madrid. Supreme room with breakfast included in Hotel Melia Palacio de los Duques (5*)

14th of October, Thursday: Day trip to Toledo from Madrid

9am: meet your personal driver at your hotel and be transferred in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle to Toledo old town.

10am: upon arrival to Toledo, meet your personal local host to start a private walking tour of the city with a special focus on its Jewish history, from its origins and maximum splendor under the Hispanic-Muslim rule until the Christian conquest of the city. Along your tour you will visit the synagogue of Santa María la Blanca, which is an extraordinary example of the Jewish-Sephardic heritage of the city.
Your tour will also take you to see some remarkable evidences of the presence of the Hispanic-Muslim culture in the city, such as the former Mosque of el Cristo de la Luz.

You will then visit the former church of San Román which is the most exquisite example of the interaction between the three great Mediterranean cultures that took place in Toledo. This is especially present in the architecture and iconographic program of the church which features some impressive frescoes from the Middle ages.

Finally, to top up your tour you will visit the Cathedral of Toledo, which is one of the most important ones ever erected in Spain.

2pm: end of your private walking tour of Toledo and free time for lunch at leisure before your return to Madrid. Recommendations for lunch will be given and a table will be booked for you if you wish.

5pm: private transfer in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle with dedicated driver from Toledo back to your hotel in Madrid stopping along the way at mirador del valle for excellent panoramic views of the city.

6:15pm: arrival to your hotel in Madrid and rest of the day at leisure. Recommendations for dinner will be given and a table will be booked for you if you wish.

Overnight in Madrid. Supreme room with breakfast included in Hotel Melia Palacio de los Duques (5*)

15th of October, Friday: from Madrid to Córdoba and introductory tour of Córdoba

8:45am: be transferred in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle with a dedicated driver from your hotel in Madrid to Madrid train station.

9:05am: arrival to Madrid train station on time to take your train to Córdoba at 9:35am.

9:35am: departure of your high-speed train to Córdoba (1st class seats).

11:25am: upon arrival to your train to Córdoba, meet your personal driver and be transferred in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle to your hotel in the city.

12pm: arrival to your hotel in Córdoba and free time to check-in, freshen up and have lunch before your introductory tour of the city. Recommendations for lunch will be given and a table will be booked for you if you wish.

2:30pm: be met by your personal local host by the reception desk of your hotel to go on a 3,5h discovery journey of the historical centre of the city. A UNESCO site since 1994, Córdoba is an inspirational city, which during the Middle Ages, saw a peaceful interaction between the three great Mediterranean cultures. Jews, Muslims and Christians coexisted then in the city turning it into a unique intellectual hub that gave birth to very renowned philosophers, poets, scientists and doctors. This also resulted in the construction of unique buildings of remarkable historical significance.

During your private walking tour, you’ll learn about the period of maximum intellectual splendour of the city and you will see beautiful examples of architecture and urban planning that will allow you to recreate all the grandeur of this era, which has the Great Mosque – Cathedral, the synagogue, the Chapel of Saint Bartholomew and the Alcazar of the Christian Monarchs as its most representative constructions.
The Great Mosque-Cathedral is probably the most thought-provoking building in Spain and your personal local host will uncover all its beauty and complexity for you. You will understand its origins, its different enlargements and the role that the building has played in the culture and social fabric of the city throughout the centuries.

The synagogue will allow you to understand the very important Jewish – Sephardic community that Córdoba once had and how much it embraced Hispanic-Muslim decorative arts in its places of devotion.

In the Chapel of Saint Bartholomew you will be explained about the transformations that the Jewish quarter of Córdoba suffered after the pogrom of 1391 and how it was repopulated with Christians, who were also very heavily influenced by Hispanic-Muslim decorative arts.

The Alcazar of the Christian Monarchs will be your last stop. This is a fortification treasuring Roman and Visigothic remains that became an important royal residence in the Hispanic-Muslim and Christian times. Your tour of this landmark will be a journey through the history of the city and also through probably the most beautiful gardens that one can find in Córdoba.

6pm: end of your tour at the impressive Roman Bridge of the city and rest of the day at leisure. Recommendations for dinner will be given and a table will be booked for you if you wish.

Overnight in Córdoba. Deluxe room with breakfast included at Hotel Palacio de Bailío (5*).

16th of October, Saturday: Day trip from Córdoba to the Archaeological site of Medina-Azahara (World Heritage Site) and visit of the patios of San Basilio in Córdoba old town.

9am: be met by your personal host at your hotel and be transferred with a personal driver in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle to the archaeological site of Medina Azahara.

9:25am: upon arrival to Medina-Azahara, start a private walking tour of the site to understand the massive palatial complex that it once was, the different parts it featured, their functions, the relationships between the people who inhabited it, its defensive system, the political roled it played during the caliphate of Córdoba and the reasons that led to its decay and abandonment.

12:35pm: reconnect with your driver and be transferred in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle back to Córdoba to visit the patios of the quarter of San Basilio. Along the way, your personal local host will give an introduction about the patios festival in Córdoba and about the importance it has in the local Spring festivities.

1pm: upon arrival to Córdoba be escorted by your guide to the patios in the quarter of San Basilio to enjoy their traditional architecture and floral decorations. Then enjoy the rest of your day at leisure. Recommendations will be given for lunch and dinner and tables will be booked for you if you wish.

Overnight in Córdoba. Deluxe room with breakfast included at Hotel Palacio de Bailío (5*).

17th of October, Sunday: From Córdoba to Seville and introduction to Seville through the Alcazar, Plaza de España, the quarter of Santa Cruz and through a flamenco and tapas evening

10:30am: be met by your personal driver and be transferred in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle from your hotel in Córdoba to your hotel in Seville.

12:15pm: upon arrival to your hotel in Seville, enjoy some free time to check-in, to freshen up and to have lunch at leisure before your introductory tour of the city. Recommendations for lunch will be given and a table will be booked for you if you wish.

3:30pm: be met your personal local host at your accommodation to take a private walking tour of Seville old town aimed at learning about its fascinating history, breath-taking architecture, joyous lifestyle and wonderful flamenco and tapas scenes.

You will start your discovery journey by visiting the Alcazar, which is a massive complex of palaces erected in different periods and of breath-taking gardens of different styles. The Alcazar has stunning historical constructions featuring a very particular crossover between Hispanic-Muslim and Christian architecture styles, called Mudejar. This style became very fashionable in Spain in the 14th and 15th centuries amongst the Christian nobility and it reached its maximum splendour in Seville. Another essential part of the Alcazar is the famous house of Trade, which once hosted the offices from where all the commerce with the new world was managed. After enjoying these inner areas, you will be taken to the gardens, which are an exquisite sample of European landscaping from the 16th until the 20th centuries.

Then you will be taken to visit the Cathedral (only the outside as it is closed on Sunday the 17th of October), which is the largest gothic temple in the World. The Cathedral of Seville was built on a vast extension of land where previously a Mosque had been erected. An important part of the Mosque was preserved and it is now a part of the Cathedral. This makes it a unique construction featuring styles as diverse as Hispanic-Muslim, Gothic, Renaissance, Neoclassical and Baroque.

Your tour will continue with a visit to Plaza de España, which is the most beautiful construction that was erected in Seville for the famous 1929 Iberian – American exhibition. Your personal local host will help you understand its history and the very important public space that it is today not only for people from Seville but from all over Spain.

From Plaza de España you will venture into the quarter of Santa Cruz, with its countless quaint corners, narrow streets, cosy squares, houses of traditional Southern Spanish architecture and Moorish urban planning. It is in this quarter where an important part of the Jewish Sephardic community of Seville lived in the medieval times and you will learn about what life in the quarter was like then and how it has evolved until becoming what it is today.

Along this part of the tour, you will be given some explanations about the origins of flamenco music in South West Spain and also about its evolution throughout the centuries. This will set the context for (and enhance your appreciation and enjoyment of) the flamenco performance in a small and intimate venue that will follow, with 4 people on stage (one singer, one guitarist and two dancers).

7pm: start of the flamenco performance.

8pm: after your flamenco performance, enjoy a tapas tasting tour through Seville old town. Along the journey, you will learn about and enjoy this genuinely Spanish approach to enjoying a meal. Your tour will take you to 2 – 3 selected tapas bars where locals like to gather with family and friends and where you will taste a selection of 6 – 9 local dishes to share and up to 4 drinks per person. (Cost of dinner included).

10pm: after your tapas and wines adventure, be escorted back to your hotel stopping along the way for a sweet local treat.

10:30pm: arrival to your hotel and end of services for the day.

Overnight in Seville. Recommended accommodation: Grand deluxe room with terrace and breakfast included at Hotel Alfonso XIII (5*).

18th of October, Monday: Jamón jamón, a day trip from Seville to the land of the most famous Spanish delicacy

9am: meet your personal local host at your accommodation in Seville and be transferred in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle with a dedicated driver to the natural park of Aracena, home of the best Iberian Ham in the world. Along the way, you will be given some explanations about the geography, landscape, economy, culture, agriculture and farming of South West Spain.

10:30am: upon arrival to the natural park of Aracena, visit a private extension of dehesa forest with an expert, to learn about the habitat where free range, acorn-fed, Iberian pigs live and about the animals themselves. Dehesa is a unique type of ecosystem ideal to raise Iberian pigs for the production of top-quality Iberian ham. During your visit you will discover the particularities of this ecosystem and about its connection to the breeding of Iberian pigs.

11:30am: after your visit to the dehesa and with all the knowledge acquired there, be transferred to the facilities where the Iberian ham of this farm is cured.

11:45am: upon arrival to the curing cellars, you will be taken on a private tour aimed at learning about the very specific artisanal treatments and particular humidity and temperature conditions to cure Iberian pig meats. This will be followed by a guided tasting of iberian ham, which will make a great end to your discovery journey of the most iconic food from SouthWest Spain.

1pm: after your visit to the iberian ham farm, be transferred to the whitewashed village of Linares de la Sierra for lunch.

1:30pm: arrival to Linares de la Sierra and lunch in a selected local restaurant specialised in traditional recipes cooked with fresh local produce from the natural park of Aracena (cost of lunch not included).

3pm: after lunch, you may want to take a stroll around Linares de la Sierra to enjoy its picturesque streets and traditional architecture.

4pm: end of your visit to Linares de la Sierra and private transfer back to Seville with you private driver in his modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle.

5:30pm: arrival to Seville and end of services for the day. Recommendations for lunch and dinner will be given and a table will be booked for you if you wish.

Overnight in Seville. Recommended accommodation: Grand deluxe room with terrace and breakfast included at Hotel Alfonso XIII (5*).

19th of October, Tuesday: From Seville to Jerez and Cadiz, the undiscovered cities of Southernmost continental Spain.

9am: be met by your personal local host and be transferred in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle with a dedicated driver to the city of Jerez, famous for its Spanish purebred horses. Along the way you will be explained about the geography, culture, customs, gastronomy and lifestyle of Southernmost continental Spain.

10:15am: upon arrival to Jerez, you will start a private walking tour of the old town aimed at discovering its Hispanic-Muslim origins as well as the transformations that it experienced (architecture, urban planning, social composition and overall character) in the 13th century with the Christian conquest and later in the 18th and 19th centuries when its local wines (sherries) became probably the most fashionable drinks in the world.

Along the journey you will also visit the local market in order to enjoy not only its colourful and vibrant atmosphere but also to learn about the important proximity service it is for the local community and the key role it plays in the social fabric of the city.

11:45am: your introductory walking tour of Jerez will finish in the royal School of Equestrian art. Upon arrival, you will be shown around the premises before attending the popular horse show curated by the School and called “how the Andalusian horses dance”. This is a dressage exhibition with Olympic riders that is unique to Jerez and that will allow you to enjoy the beauty and nobility of Andalusian horses as well as the performance of the extremely skilled riders and their 18th century outfits.

1:30pm: after the performance, reconnect with your private driver and be taken for a tapas lunch in the heart of the city (cost of lunch included).

3pm: after lunch, be transferred by you private driver to the city of Cadiz together with your local host. Along the way you will enjoy the curious lanscape of marshes and estuaries of the bay of Cadiz.

3:25pm: upon arrival to Cadiz, you will be taken on a panoramic tour of the perimeter of the old town that will allow you to see and understand its particular geography.

3:45pm: after your panoramic tour, start a private walking tour of the inner part of town. Along the tour you will learn about the foundation of the city by the Phoenicians 3000 years ago and about the period (18th century) when it held the monopoly of all trade with the new world, formerly established in Seville. Your tour will allow you to see beautiful evidences of the splendour of both periods.

5:15pm: end of your tour and private transfer back to Jerez with your driver in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle.

5:45pm: arrival to your hotel in Jerez, end of your tour and free time to spend the evening in Jerez going to local artisan shops. Recommendations will be given. Also recommendations for dinner will be given and a table will be booked for you if you wish.

Overnight in Jerez. Deluxe double room with breakfast included at hotel Casa Palacio María Luisa (5*).

20th of October, Wednesday: Day trip from Jerez to visit a farm of brave bulls with the owner. Dinner at Aponiente (3 michelin star seafood restaurant).

10:30am: meet your personal local host at your hotel and be transferred in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle with a dedicated driver to a selected farm of brave bulls in the countryside outside Jerez.

11am: upon arrival to the farm, be welcome by the owner, who will show you first the family estate while giving you an introduction about the history of breeding brave bulls in the family. Then it will be time to get on a 4 x 4 vehicle to go and explore the areas where their brave bulls are bred.

Along the journey you will learn about the art of breeding brave bulls. From the selection of the mother cows and breeding bulls, to the identification of the characteristics that are demanded by different bullrings in Spain for the bullfights. Then you will learn what being a farmer of brave bulls is like in the middle of the 21st century.

Back at the house of the family, you will be able to enjoy some relaxed time with the owner and ask as many questions as you like while you are served some appetizers. Then you will be called for a homemade lunch (cost of lunch included) suited to your taste, that you will enjoy with the owner and your personal local host. This will make an excellent opportunity to immerse yourselves into the life of a farmer of brave bulls and to learn some very interesting facts about this Spanish tradition.

2:30pm: reconnect with your private driver and be transferred back to your hotel in Jerez.

3pm: arrival to your hotel and free time to relax, freshen up and get ready for you 3 michelin star dinner at Aponiente (cost of dinner not included).

7:35pm: be met by your driver by the reception desk of your hotel and be transferred to Aponiente in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle.

8pm: arrival to Aponiente and dinner there.

10:45pm: end of dinner and private transfer to your hotel in Jerez in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle with a dedicated driver.

11:10pm: arrival to your hotel in Jerez and end of services for the day.

Overnight in Jerez. Deluxe double room with breakfast included at hotel Casa Palacio María Luisa (5*).

21st of October, Thursday: From Jerez to Granada via the whitewashed clifftop town of Ronda

9am: be met by your private driver by the reception desk of your hotel and be transferred in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle to the town of Ronda.

10:30am: upon arrival to Ronda, meet your personal local guide to take a walking tour of the old town with a special focus on its most picturesque locations and viewpoints (ideal for photography).
This private walking tour of Ronda old town will also give you an excellent overview of the Hispanic-Muslim origins of the city and of the transformations that it started to experience in 1485 when it was conquered by Christians. It was then when many wealthy military orders settled down in Ronda in order to defend its strategic location near the straits of Gibraltar and very well connected to the main Southern Spanish cities.

These new inhabitants erected many noble residences and funded the construction of impressive religious constructions too. In the 18th century Ronda experienced a time of maximum splendour and its main landmarks were built: the bullring (the oldest in Spain) and the majestic New Bridge both of which you will also visit during your tour.
Ronda has also stunning nature in its surroundings and your tour will take you to the best viewpoints so that you understand why this whitewashed gem atracted so many romantic travellers in the 19th century.

1:30pm: end of your tour and free time for lunch at leisure. Recommendations will be given and a table will be booked for you if you wish.

3pm: reconnect with your private driver and be transferred to your hotel in Granada.

5:15pm: arrival to Granada and end of services for the day. Recommendations for dinner will be given and a table will be booked for you if you wish.

Overnight in Granada. Deluxe double room with breakfast included in hotel Palacio de los Patos (5*)

22nd of October, Friday: Discovery of Granada: the Alhambra and el Generalife, Granada old town and the quarter of el Albayzín

9:30am: be met by your personal local host and be transferred by taxi to the top of the hill of la Sabika, where the Alhambra and el Generalife are located.

9:45am: upon arrival to the Alhambra, be taken on a private walking tour of this palatial city which is the most exquisite example of the Hispanic-Muslim architecture. The Alhambra was the city where the Hispanic-Muslim sultans used to live with their army, their court and some selected artisans. Because of this, it has several parts, all of which you will get to visit during your tour while you understand the role that each of them had. Later you will visit the summer palace or Generalife. This is the place where the sultans would go to escape from the hustle and bustle of the Alhambra. It was a place designed for relax and contemplation and because of this, it has the most beautiful gardens and some of the nicest views that the city of Granada has to offer.

1pm: after your tour of the Alhambra you may want to be escorted by taxi back to your hotel or to a restaurant suited to your taste (this can be booked in advance if you wish). Alterantively, enjoy a pleasant walk from the Alhambra to Granada old town (downhill).

5pm: reconnect with your personal local host by the reception desk of your to go on a 3h walking tour of Granada old town that will allow you to discover, learn about and experience the beauty of two different quarters of the city. These are two key areas in the history of the city that also stand out for their beauty and authenticity.

You will start visiting the first quarters that developed in Granada after the Christian conquest of the city in 1492. It is in these areas where the Cathedral of Granada was erected and in one of its chapels, the so-called Royal Chapel, you will visit the tombs of the monarchs that were responsible for the conquest of the city (Isabel of Castille and Ferdinand of Aragón). Their tombs are an exquisite sample of Spanish renaissance sculpture.

Near this chapel, you will also visit the palace of la Madraza: a unique building that originally was a medieval Quran School and that later was used as a residence. During your visit, you will see beautiful evidence of its original use and of the one that followed.

Later, you will be taken to the iconic quarter of el Albayzín, located on top of a hill and overlooking the Alhambra. El Albayzín was the part of Granada where regular people would live: people whose social scheme inside the walls of the palatial areas of the Alhambra was rather unclear. The quarter of Albayzín is a UNESCO site and it treasures some of the most beautiful corners and views of the Alhambra that the city of Granada has to offer, which are ideal and fun to photograph. Your local host will share the most special ones with you, while you are explained about the architecture and infrastructures that the quarter had in the medieval times and of which you will see beautifully preserved evidence.
At 7:30pm the sun will set and your guide will take you to one of the best spots in the Albayzín to watch it and take the corresponding pictures. Then after, sunset, you will be escorted to a selected restaurant in the quarter of el Albayzín for dinner.

8pm: end of your tour at the restaurant. After dinner, the hotel can call a taxi for you.

Overnight in Granada. Deluxe double room with breakfast included in hotel Palacio de los Patos (5*)

23rd of October, Saturday: From Granada to Madrid by high-speed train

7:30am: be met by your personal driver at your hotel and be transferred in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle to Granada train station.

7:50am: arrival to Granada train station on time to catch your high-speed train to Madrid.

8:15am: departure of your high-speed train from Granada to Madrid (one change in Córdoba).

11:56am: upon arrival of you high-speed train to Madrid train station be met by a private driver and be transferred in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle to your hotel in Madrid.

12:20pm: arrival to your hotel in Madrid and rest of the day at leisure.

Overnight in Madrid. Premium double room with balcony (without breakfast) in Hotel only you boutique (4*)

24th of October, Sunday: Transfer from your hotel in Madrid to Madrid airport

9am: meet your personal driver by the reception desk of your hotel and be transferred in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle to Madrid airport.

9:30am: arrival to Madrid airport on time to catch your flight at 11:40am and end of your trip.and end of your trip.

*You may want to book a covid test appointment at Madrid airport. This company is available 24/7 for tests at Madrid airport.


The price of this bespoke trip for a private group of 2 people is 20900 Euros.

This price includes
– 14 nights accommodation in selected hotels with breakfast included as per mentioned above (excluding hotel Alfonso XIII in Seville).
– All private transportation services mentioned above in a modern and comfortable Mercedes vehicle with a dedicated driver.
– All taxi rides mentioned above except for the taxi ride from the Albayzin restaurant in Granada after dinner back to your hotel. The restaurant can call a taxi for you after you finish your dinner.
– All high-speed train tickets mentioned above (all 1st class seats except for the train from Barcelona to Figueres because there are no 1st class seats on that train).
– All private tours and experiences mentioned above with carefully selected personal local hosts from Genuine Andalusia. Fully licensed, personable, knowledgeable, flexible and kind guides.
– All entrance tickets (skip the line), admissions and tastings for the private tours, shows and experiences mentioned above.
– A tapas lunch in Barcelona including a selection of 6 – 9 local dishes to share and up to 4 non-alcoholic drinks per person.
– A tapas lunch in Madrid including a selection of 6 – 9 local dishes to share and up to 4 non-alcoholic drinks per person.
– A tapas dinner through 2 – 3 tapas bars of Seville old town including a selection of 6 – 9 tapas dishes to share and up to 4 non-alcoholic drinks per person.
– A tapas lunch in Jerez including a selection of 6 – 9 local dishes to share and up to 4 non-alcoholic drinks per person.
– A homemade lunch suited to your taste including a starter a main course and a dessert during your visit to the brave bull farm outside Jerez.
– Recommendations of things to do and see during your free time in each city.
– Recommendations of places to go for lunch and dinner suited to your taste in each of the cities.
– Recommendations of artisan shops for you to visit during your free time in each city.
– Tipping advice for guides and drivers.
– Management of the reservation for your dinner at Aponiente and for any other meals you’d like to have reservation in a restaurant for.
– All taxes.

This price excludes
– Your accommodation in Hotel Alfonso XIII in Seville.
– Your taxi ride back to your hotel from the restaurant in the Albayzin in Granada in the evening of the 22nd of October. The restaurant can call a taxi for you.
– Any meals not mentioned right above.
– Anything else not mentioned right above.

Confirmation and payments
In order to confirm this bespoke trip to Spain we require full payment no later than 14 days prior to its start via credit/debit card.

Grand total of this tour program: 20900 Euros.

Cancellation policy
– If you cancelled your tour program between 14 and 7 days prior to its start: we’d charge 30% of the full cost of the tour program and we’d refund the other 70%.
– If you cancelled your tour program between 7 and 3 days prior to its start: we’d charge 50% of the full cost of the tour program and we’d refund the other 50%.
– If you cancelled your tour program 2 days or less prior to its start: we’d charge 100% of the full cost of the tour program.
*If sudden travel restrictions related to the pandemic didn’t allow for the tour program to happen, we’d give you a full refund deducting only the bank charges involved in the refund and the non-refundable purchases made up to the moment of the cancellation of your trip.
**Please note that the travel restrictions we would take as official would be the ones imposed by the corresponding government/s for the general vaccinated traveler coming to Spain from your country of origin.